I've been told, recently, that blogs are back "in."
Despite having gone to journalism school (before I went to ultrasound school), I have never really enjoyed writing blogs. Maybe it's because of the way they've evolved over the years, or just because I haven't felt like I could write about something that people would enjoy reading.
Whatever the case, for the first time, I'm really going to give it a try.
I may start slow - posting YouTube videos, supply lists, and making a landing page for newsletters (just in case you miss them!), but I would love to turn it into a place of inspiration.
It's not lost on me that the new year is right around the corner. Last year I committed to more time spent on my YouTube videos, and I feel like I really succeeded in that. I tried to do a newsletter every month with a new video, which kind of trickled off towards the end, but I'm still happy with what I was able to accomplish!
Maybe this year I will instead focus on a blog (of course, keeping up with my videos, also!).

All of this being said, what are some things that you might want to read about?
Are there any tips or tricks you'd like to know?
I'd love to get your input, so I can not only write about things that are important to me, but also make sure I include things that are important to you.
Thanks for making it this far!
Leave any ideas or input in the comments below!